Flying Serpents and DragonsBy RA Boulay Reviewed by Theresa Welsh Reptiles in the Human Family?What is the origin of the human race? Science tells us we evolved from lower primates, but that has never been an entirely satisfying explanation. Neither is the idea that we were created by aliens who mixed their own DNA with primate DNA. A number of authors have speculated that we were created to be a "slave race" for aliens. Charles Fort, known for his collections of tales about showers of frogs and other objects falling from the sky, believed we are "owned" by an alien race from another planet. But how about this for an answer: A race of reptilian aliens created Adam and Eve to work in their vegetable garden. REALLY? That is the story line in this rather outrageous book from author R.A. Boulay. PICKS UP WHERE OTHER AUTHORS HAVE BEENR.A. Boulay takes us where even Zechariah Sitchen did not go. I have read his Earth Chronicles series of books on the Sumerian culture, which detail the role of the Annunaki (Annanu in Boulay's book) from the planet Nibiru in establishing the civilization of Sumer. Nibiru is supposedly a planet in our own solar system that has a long elliptical orbit that takes thousands of years to complete a rotation around the sun. The Nephilim of the Bible are the offspring of the Annunaki "gods" and human females. But Sitchen never said the Annunaki were reptiles. Anyone who's been reading alternate history literature for quite a few years has encountered the idea of intelligent reptilian aliens before. David Icke has a particularly disturbing view of them as a sinister race that has somehow managed to control human elites throughout history. William Bramley in The Gods of Eden takes a similar path. Some stories also involve shape-shifting - that some humans of the reptilian bloodline can actually turn into large reptiles, then shapeshift back to human form. There are supposedly witness accounts of this. But Boulay's book takes this reptilian thing to a whole different level. In his view, reptilian aliens figure in cultures across the globe. They are the basis for the Chinese flying dragons and the winged serpents of Central and South America and were the Nagas of ancient India. The Sumerian art shows winged beings, but does not generally depict reptilians. The use of wings in images indicates the flying machines of the aliens, whose orbiting space ship was physically present during the years before the Deluge and after for a period of hundreds of years, says Boulay. He also says they generally did not wish to be seen by humans, but he also implies that they could take on a human form. WHEN "GODS" MATED WITH HUMANSAnd somehow these reptilians from outer space could mate and procreate with humans, which seems like it would not be possible, unless done deliberately by genetic manipulation. But the Bible does say that the Nephilim mated with human women ("when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them" -Bible) It describes continuing relationships between humans and these beings, whoever they were. Boulay's explanations of Adam and Eve as creations of an alien god are fascinating. Originally, they were reptilian like their creators (created "in the image of god"), created to work in the alien's garden. There are actually sources that say their skin was green, like a reptile's. Later, according to Boulay, they were modified by the aliens so they could have children and that's when they noticed that they were naked and began wearing clothes. Reptiles do not need clothes, but apparently their half-breed offspring had taken on characteristics more like the creatures of their own planet and saw they had become different from their creator. This caused shame and the need to hide within clothing. The origin of "original sin, perhaps?" THE REPTILES CREATED OUR EARY HISTORY, BUT FINALLY DEPARTEDSo far, this vision of our past looks pretty dismal, but even more discouraging is the revelation that the Hebrew god "Yahweh" is really a reptilian alien named Adad. That was pretty hard for me to process. Boulay attempts to explain the roles of the Sumerian alien cast of characters (An, Enki, Enlil, Ishtar, etc.) and match them up with incidents in the Bible and other ancient literature. Adad was given control over the Hebrews by a bigger god, An. I picked up on the male chauvinist nature of these reptilians (or just the author's own attitude?) when he says Ishtar was not given control over any part of the earth because she was female. Boulay makes the Deluge of the Bible into a pivotal worldwide event that actually swamped the original landing site of the aliens which is now under the waters of the Persian Gulf. It is unclear as to whether the aliens caused the Deluge or simply knew it would happen. It seems likely it was the result of some cosmic shift in the heavens that was foreshadowed by drought and other climate change on earth. As a replacement for their ruined spaceport which was drowned in the Deluge, the aliens built the colossal stone platform (containing the hugest stone blocks on earth), which still exists, at the site of Baalbek in modern Lebanon. They continued to control the affairs of man until they finally withdrew, leaving behind their seed, the reptilian bloodline that had merged with earthbound primate DNA. The stories of these gods became human mythology. WHO IS BOULAY AND HOW DID HE ACQUIRE THESE IDEAS?I tried to find out more information about the author, but he is now deceased and apparently never had any online presence. I couldn't find much about him. The brief "About the Author" in the book says he worked for the National Security Agency (NSA) as a cryptologist and intelligence reporter and that the book was originally published in 1990. The current publisher, listed as The Book Tree in San Diego, could not have been working from an original file; the technical quality is very poor. Many of the illustrations are of such poor quality that the captions are unreadable. Did they make a copy of an earlier edition? The content is also somewhat disjointed and overlapping, as if pieces were written at different times, then put together into a book. It would certainly be helpful to know if the author might have had access to forbidden information through his association with NSA. An internet search turned up a previous 1991 edition from Galaxy Books, with only a few used copies available. I have to wonder if that edition has the same illustrations with better quality, or were these illustrations added and just badly reproduced? Despite its outrageous claims and publishing flaws, this book is obviously based on extensive research into many sources, so I cannot just dismiss it because I don't like thinking that god is a reptile from outer space who duped mankind in our distant past. There is so much more I want to know about human history and apparently, so did R.A. Boulay. If you truly want to know who we are and where we came from, you may want to consider that Boulay could be right about at least some of his amazing conclusions about our reptilian alien origins. Click below to go to page for this book: |
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