The Economics of Good and Evil
by Thomas Sedlacek
Economic orthodoxy is all about seeking constant growth in our GDP. For that to happen, people must buy stuff, and because most people are not lacking in what they really need, the economy must stimulate desire for things they DON'T need. Marketing and advertising stimulate desire for stuff we don't currently have which makes us work harder and produce more, and and so the economy grows. Economists trot out numbers and charts to illustrate the growth effects of wanting more, working more and buying more. But Tomas Sedlacek dares to challenge this scenario in which Homo Economicus sees his existence as the endless pursuit of profit and possessions.
Read my whole review of The Economics of Good and Evil
Old and New Spiritual Classics
Books that explain and examine our spiritual traditions and challenge us
to take our own spiritual journey
Signs, Visits and Premonitions From Loved Ones Lost on 9/11
by Bonnie McEneaney
Friends and families of 9/11 victims share their stories with Bonnie McEneany,
whose husband Eamon died on 9/11. Their intensely personal experiences
of contact are to them real proof that their loved ones continue to exist.
The Messengers by F.C. Xavier
afterlife journey told by spirit Andre Luiz through Brazilian medium
Francisco Xavier
Fringe Dweller on the Night Shift
by Monica Holy
Go astral traveling with the author
as she spends her nights rescuing souls.
Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damndest Thing by
Jed McKenna
A maverick tale of how to "wake up" spiritually by
a self-described (and mysterious) enlightened human being.
Supernatural by Graham Hancock
explores the origins of religious beliefs by examining early use of
hallucinogenic drugs.
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa
This classic book is the story of Yogananda's
coming to America to bring yoga and Eastern ideas to a generation
knowing nothing of its spiritual precepts; his story is full of
amazing spiritual feats, such as being in two
places at once.
Letters From the Other Side by Helen and Harry
This book of letters were written during the World War
I era by two spirits, brother and sister, whose messages came through
the automatic handwriting of a blind living sister
The Spirits Book by Alan Kardec
This book, written in 1876, is the basis of the beliefs of Spiritists; the book contains answers to the big questions as given to Allan Kardec by advanced spirits. This article also examines three other books about spirit.
Is there evidence for the afterlife?
Does evidence exist that our consciousness survives death? Here are four books that tackle this topic, and are worth reading.
Who is Edgar Cayce?
Edgar Cayce became known as "the sleeping prophet" because he provided information to people seeking his help after putting himself in a trance. This modest man, who died in 1945, gave "life readings" to people in which he told them of past lives, often lives in ancient Atlantis. Many books tell his story; here are some of the best ones.
Questioning Christianity
Why christianity
Must Change or Die by John Shelby Spong
Does the standard Christian theology that has come to us from the
Middle Ages still make sense? Haven't we learned more about the history
of the times from when Jesus walked the earth, and haven't we gained
maturity since then? Bishop Spong challenges some long-held beliefs about
what it means to be a Christian.
The Templar Revelation by Picknett &
Examines whether Jesus really died on the cross and
whether he might have been married to Mary Magdalene; lots of
interesting legends about Magdalene and John the Baptist in the
south of France.
The Hiram Key by Knight & Lomas
Master Masons examine the historical roots of Christianity. Who was
the mysterious Hiram Abiff who supposedly built Solomon's
The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine
Pagels challenges traditional ideas about Jesus and
the early Christian teachings, through the writings in alternate
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent, Lincoln &
Take a tour of a different history, where Jesus has descendants who have secretly dominated important historical events. The book that inspired The DaVinci Code, that introduced us to the Priory of Sion... still good after all these years!!
The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
This book questions the actual existence of Jesus of Nazareth with their eivdence that "the Jesus story" was meant as metaphor in the same way as the ancient "Mystery" religions.
The Jesus Dyasty: The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity by James D. Tabor
The author's own explorations into a tomb in Israel turned up bodies that could be members of Jesus' family. Could the tomb hold the bones of Jesus' brother, James? Could Jesus' biological father be someone other than Joseph and can we make even more assumptions from these discoveries, like James continuing Jesus' teachings, which did not include current Christian theology?
Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven by Uta Ranke-Heinemann
Does the Catholic Church's insistence on a male-only celibate clergy, its doctrine that sex is only for procreation and its condemnation of birth control and abortion reflect any actual teachings of Jesus? Here's a meticulously researched book by an angry female theologian who says no, and who lost her job teaching theology at a Catholic university for writing this book.
More books about Spirituality
on amazon.com. 
Classics of Alternative Science / History
What do we really know of human history, or the history and fate of our world? Explore books that give us a different perspective on who we are and how the universe works.
The Secret Life of Plants
by Peter Tompkins & Christopher Byrd
A cult classic on the consciousness of all living things
The Coming Global SuperStorm
by Art Bell & Whitley Streiber
Civilization is ended by a huge global storm caused by... global warming!
Two authors known for books about aliens find a new menace in the weather.
The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker
A scientist's study of the natural electricity of the human body -- and its potential for healing and harm.
Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India
by David Hatcher Childress
Did ancient India and Atlantis have aircraft? The evidence is in this book
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley
Are sinister aliens behind all earth's wars and troubles? This book takes a long look through history and finds the same corrupted "brotherhood" deceiving mankind.
Giza Power Plant by Christopher Dunn
Was the Great Pyramid really a power source for ancient Egypt and not a tomb? Dunn builds a credible theory.
The Hollow Earth by Raymond Bernard
Can intelligent life exist within our own earth? This is a mostly nutty (but interesting) idea.
In His Image:
The Cloning of a man by David Rorvik
Was this 1978 book really a hoax, or has a man been cloned?
Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldrake
Humans have an interesting connection with animals. Does your
dog always go to the door and wait for you before you pull into the driveway?
Is your dog or cat psychic?
Faces in
the Smoke by Douchan Gersi
An amazing look at strange powers of "people of tradition," featuring
a group of men in Haiti who can instantly materialize in a new location.
The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock
In an original attempt at a unified theory, David Wilcock postulates that the universe is filled with an energy field that is the "source" of everything that exists. This energy changes over long cycles of time, and involves two intersecting realities, the spirit world and the world we experience.
The Meaning of Life According to Physics by Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku
What do two famous physicists think of the Big Questions of life? This review of two books examines their ideas on time travel, black holes, multiple dimensions and other fascinating speculation.
Human Origins
Genesis Revisited by Zechariah Sitchen
One of Sitchen's Earth Chronicles books tracing our origins back to Sumer and alien "gods" - the whole series is fascinating reading.
Forbidden Archeology by Cremo and Thompson
Just how long has anatomically modern man been on earth? Read the evidence that the answer may be millions of years. The authors have done their research, and it's all in this 1000-page book.
Flying Serpents and Dragons by RA Boulay
Here is the most incredible theory of human origins. Our ancient ancesters were.... reptiles???. Read and be amazed. The author is NOT a nut (he worked for the NSA), but is he correct in making such an outrageous claim?
More books about Alternative Science /History
on amazon.com. 
I Love a Good Conspiracy!
It's not paranoia if they're really after you, and maybe these authors are not all crazy.
Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA by Richard Hoagland and Mike Barra
What is NASA's real mission? Did they find artifacts on the moon and have they been
lying to us ever since?
The Cancer Conspiracy by Barry Lynes
The author tells of betrayal, collusion and the suppression of alternative cancer treatments; the government and the AMA are most of the problem.
Inside Job by Jim Marrs
Did the Bush adminstration know about 9/11 before it happened?
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power
by Jeff Sharlet
This book delves deeply into a little-known dedicated group of people who seek to control American politics, while remaining in the shadows. They espouse a brand of Christian fundamentalism that says the people in power reflect God's choices. Are they manipulating our leaders in Washington DC to advance their own right-wing agenda?
The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell by Randle & Schmitt
A well-researched examination of the evidence that a space ship crashed near Roswell New Mexico in 1947. Based on interviews with eye witnesses and good detective work. Read and draw your own conclusions.
Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs
A noted conspiracy author takes on the UFO controversy and provides a well-presented summary of alien activity and the government cover-up.
Above Black by Dan Sherman
Eye-witness testimony of a secret government program involving contact with aliens.
His story, though amazing, seems credible.
The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar: Solving the Oak Island Mystery
by Steven Sora
Treasure hidden hundreds of years ago on Oak Island, Nova Scotia,
Canada has confounded treasure-hunters since its discovery, all attempts at recovery
stopped by highly-effective boobytraps. Could it be the lost treasure
of the Knights Templar?
More Books About Conspiracies
on amazon.com.