by Mark Rich
Reviewed by Theresa Welsh
A Primer on "Seeing" Energy Anyone who has delved into the subject of alternative methods of physical and spiritual healing has heard of the human energy system (HES), but most of us cannot see these structures, which leads many people to think they do not exist. Mark Rich says he has seen the human aura since childhood, and through subsequent intensive training has learned to see other structures that make up the HES. Other spiritual healers often tell the same story: As children, they saw dynamic colors around people and other living (and non-living) things, but were told by adults that they were hallucinating, lying, or dealing with evil forces. Most give up on "seeing" these invisible structures in order to be more like other people. In the author's case, he eventually went back to seeing these etheric structures and studying them, rejecting the interpretation that there was something wrong with him for seeing them. Old Concepts, New TerminologyIt has not always been considered bizarre to see these etheric elements. Older traditions of Chinese Medicine and Indian yoga systems, which accepted the energy body, correspond closely to what modern healers see in these structures. Author Mark Rich takes his own path in explaining the elements of the human energy system, preferring terminology that better describes the structures. Some of it was new to me. The meridians and chakra points are pretty well known, but I had not heard of the "cord bundle" or "tubes" or the "eagle and the rolling force." What he calls the "energetic web" has been described by other authors (see The Field by Lynn McTaggart), but I like his perspective that we can feel and use its energy. The illustrations in this book clearly show the structures the author discusses. The book concentrates on explaining the HES, showing what the structures look like and providing exercises to help the reader see them too. I've studied Tai Chi and that system emphasizes relaxation - relaxing every part of your body before beginning the "form" -- the slow movements of Tai Chi. The author does the same, telling us to relax our bodies before attempting to see the "luminous glow" (his terminology) around the human body. He suggests exercises with a partner, but also says you can try to see your own glow through looking in a mirror. Not all of us can find a partner for these exercises, and you will not make instant progress just because you read this book. It is obvious the author has put in many years and massive effort to obtain the perception that he has of these structures. My Tai Chi experience leads me to urge caution against expecting instant results. I once had a book about Tai Chi with the subtitle "Ten Minutes to Health." When I started working with an instructor, I learned that contrary to the "ten minutes" concept, it was more like "ten years" of practice to attain any proficiency. The Chi Gong masters who perform amazing feats practice long hours for many years. It seems in learning to see and harness your chi (energy), there is no free lunch. Can You See What He Sees?The problem with books of this type is that you must accept that the author really sees what he says he sees and that he really understands the function and uses of the energetic system. I am willing to accept what's in this book as an honest report of Mark Rich's own experience because there are other sources, including the ancient traditions of China and India, that corroborate much of it, and there are numerous people who can see or feel some parts of this system, although they may use different terminology or have a slightly different perception or emphasis. There is also a certain amount of actual physical data that corroborates the acupuncture points and meridians. You can gain useful information even if you don't accept everything the author says he sees. This small book (it's only 150 pages) is a quick and easy-to-understand guide to the etheric body and connecting energy structures that pervade our world. By following the author's exercises over time, you may find your vision expanding to "see" a new world of energy. For a more comprehensive reference guide to the HES, with wonderful color illustrations, I recommend The Subtle Body by Cyndi Dale. This oversize book covers more ground and more traditions having to do with subtle energy. It is a big topic and takes time and patience to understand and internalize a way of seeing that is still outside the "normal" view of reality. But this is a topic worth exploring and I'm glad Mark Rich chose to share what he sees with us. Buy the book from Click the link below: |
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