Above Black
Author: Dan Sherman
Intuitive Communicator - with AliensHave you been seeking proof that aliens exist? Are you wondering if our government is in touch with aliens from other worlds? Of course, many researchers and book writers have claimed that it is so, but most of them have been either digging into declassified or "leaked" government documents or they are working backwards, from accounts of sighted UFOs or what are apparently abduction cases. A lot of what they offer is convincing, of course, but still leaves you wondering if the author is correctly interpreting the data. But would you be more convinced if you got a first-hand report from a former military man who was both genetically-engineered and trained to "read" alien intuitive communication? Yes, that sounds pretty fantastic, and Dan Sherman acknowledges that it is hard to believe. But He says while he was in the US Air Force, he was contacted about becoming an "IC" -- Intuitive Communicator in a top secret project called Project Preserve Destiny (PPD). He was told he was selected because he had been altered at the time of his birth to have the capability of communicating with "greys" -- aliens, whom he never actually saw. All communication with them was mental, but the extreme secrecy of the program and the systematic training and methods seem consistent with the way the military would go about an alien contact program. If what Sherman tells us is true, then it leaves little doubt that the US government is actually in contact with at least one alien culture, and has been for at least forty years and probably much longer. Sherman's short book, Above Black, at the time I read it, was entirely free online, is apparently no longer available for free, but can be purchased from amazon.com in either Kindle or paperback versions or from the author's website: http://www.aboveblack.com/. The chapters are all small bite-sized chunks you can read in between doing other things, and Sherman's prose is simple and to-the-point. He leaves no doubt about what happened. But the bigger question that haunted him was "why?" Sherman was first told about himself and his ability when he was sent to a new location for special training, then told he would be doing a second training stint as well. Without much regard for his feelings, he was informed that he has a special ability, given him because, as his contact put it, "Sergeant Sherman, in the summer of 1960 your mother was visited by what the world commonly refers to as aliens." Through "genetic management" he was given the ability to communicate intuitively, but this ability was dormant without training to awaken it. Training for the TaskSherman was taken in a van with covered windows to a secret site unknown to him where he had to enter an elevator (using a bio scan type of security) which took him to a small secret room where all instruction was through headphones while he sat at a computer that had no mouse. Instruction began with sound and a matching wave on the screen that he was told to "flatten." After many sessions, he found he could alter the shape of the line using only his mind. The lessons progressed to working with only mental impressions, including visuals. He was told his work would consist of typing the messages he received on a black screen. The words did not appear on the screen so they could not be viewed by anyone. Sherman also learned about the "onion effect" in which these extreme secret projects known as "above black" were hidden inside another (black) secret project and only a few people knew about the final layer of the onion. Both the above black project and the black project were classified. Sherman's emotions as he learned these incredible facts ran the gamut from feeling like he was special to feelings of loneliness because he could not share his experience with anyone. As he went to new asignments in his public work, he also worked on the PPD projects. He communicated with two different aliens, whom he called Spock and Bones. There was a protocol for sending information, which involved strings of numbers, but later included more understandable text. Sherman tried to figure out the meaning of the information he received and became convinced some of it had to do with abductions, but he had no idea why these were being done. Who Were the Aliens?He also found he could switch to a higher level of communication with the aliens and experimented with asking them questions. They answered some of them, but the answers were often not understandable. He never learned where they were from or why they were communicating with the US government, but they did tell him they had been in touch with humans for "a long time." Their life span is similar to ours. Sherman became increasingly anxious about what he was doing and the total lack of answers from his contacts. When he was told he could never leave the military, he determined to find a way out, which he eventually did. He does not tell us the method he used, but says it was a drastic action. He did not want to go on helping a program whose aims and purpose were not known to him. What makes Sherman's story credible is that he does not offer up a complete picture of some giant conspiracy. He just tells us his own story, which is a small piece in what is a bigger story that we do not know. This is a tale that cannot be "a little bit true." We must accept it whole cloth or think of a reason Sergeant Sherman would make up such a story. If he was looking for money and fame, he could have made up a story that borrowed more from other reports and he surely would have told us more about the aliens. We cannot be sure this is a true story, but there are no reasons for it being fabricated that make any sense. My only concern is why the military hasn't stopped him from getting the story out -- or is that why he made the book available free with the instruction that a reader must pass it on to three more readers? (I'm doing my duty by printing this review). Buy Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact & Government Cover-Up You might also want to read my review of The Truth About Roswell and The Day After Roswell for more on US involvement with aliens. |
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